Coaching & Mentoring

We also offer Executive Coaching & Mentoring as part of our commitment to supporting people in the social economy sector. Our CEO and Founder, Karina Macleod will deliver the sessions alongside our Business Support services. 

Karina has supporting people and organisations since 2010 in the social economy sector.  Before that Karina worked as a paralegal. Karina works nationally across Scotland, and offers coaching either face to face, online (via Teams) or by telephone.  Karina coaches at all levels, and works with individuals and businesses to unlock their potential and help them to achieve their aims.

For more about Karina and Àrachas³, please visit here.

Karina is passionate about creating strong connections, collaboration and supporting people to further develop their skills, increase their knowledge and build confidence so that they are able to deliver their social outcomes within their organisation.  It is that passion, combined with her range of skills and experience, that now runs throughout her coaching practice.

Approach to Coaching & Mentoring

Our approach recognises your uniqueness, and understands that we all learn, develop and address opportunities and issues in different ways.  That personal development can be harnessed within your organisation to better achieve the objectives. We pride ourselves on the ability to find what works for you, while building trust and collaboration in our relationship from the outset.

We use a variety of techniques to achieve this, but most importantly we listen to what you need and want, before empowering you to succeed. 

As a coach, Karina works to the Association for Coaching Code Global Code of Ethics and regularly assess against their Coaching Competency Framework.

Benefits of Coaching & Mentoring

Working with a coach/mentor will help to bridge the gap between where you are now, to where you would like to be – and will enable you to get there far more effectively, and much faster, than working alone.

Coaching is not about telling you where you should be, and what you have to do to get there. In total contrast, coaching is a supportive and collaborative partnership that will help to refine your goals, leverage your existing strengths and unlock your potential. Mentoring is more directive, longer term and can support you to develop your skills. 

Both coaching and mentoring is a way of boosting performance, by developing your skills and abilities further, while also helping to identify, and overcome, specific issues and challenges. The results of which will empower you to achieve your goals.

How can a coach help me?

Social economy organisations face unique challenges, such as balancing their social and financial goals, measuring their impact, scaling their operations, and attracting funding. To overcome these challenges, social economy organisations need effective leadership and management skills, as well as strategic guidance and support. Our coaching services can support you with these challenges.

Any programme of coaching will be completely tailored to you as an individual. It provides a totally confidential sounding board that will help you to:

  • Focus on your goals, and instil the confidence and direction to achieve them.

  • Find clarity of purpose and become better at whatever you are striving to be.

  • Unlock your potential and maximise your performance.

  • Develop and hone your skills to greatly improve your chance of success.

  • Identify and maximise strengths, while developing tools and techniques. that will help you to overcome weaknesses, fears and barriers.

  • Improve your ability to relate to, and influence, others.

  • Develop self-belief and build your confidence.

 How can I prepare to get the most out of coaching?

Like any relationship, we’ll start by simply getting to know each other. We’ll discuss what a successful coaching relationship looks like to you, and agree the best ways of working up front – including ground rules and boundaries.

Ahead of our first session, there are also a few areas to consider that will help you to get the most out of coaching: 

  • Think about what success looks like to you - what areas or topics might be useful for us to focus on.

  • What goals you have right now that you would like to make more progress with - goals may however develop and grow during the time that we work together.

  •  Take some risks – try things out and experiment. Have an agenda, but we’ll always have the freedom to take detours as and when needed.

  •  Be prepared for action – coaching is also about what happens outside of the sessions. You’ll leave with a sense of what you are going to do, and it’ll be important to act upon that.

 How we will work together

It is very important for us to get to know each other and to be able to build a trusting relationship as quickly as possible. We offer a free 30-min discovery call before asking you to compete a profile form and draft goals sheet.

We work to the Association for Coaching Global code of Ethics, and supply coaching clients with a ‘Guide to Coaching & Mentoring’ document and a contract for us to agree.

Once we have had our discovery call, we shall agree pricing and payment details and ensure that you are happy with the terms and proceed with the relationship. We will then set you up as a client and begin drafting a development plan. 

To book a discovery call,  please use our Booking page